Monday, May 18, 2015

"Faith" A value of obedience

     Faith it is said is that which is unseen a substance that is tangible in another dimension.  Not necessarily ours.  Why?  The Israelites found out when after forty years of wandering in the desert some were left behind to die because of unbelief.  Those who heard the message of Moses lived and inherited the land that was generationally promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.   The miracles in the forty years should have been enough.  What about today?  What about the 2000 + years of  preaching the Kingdom of God?  Is the message being wasted and like Paul said in Hebrews, "Of no value?" ( Heb. 4:2). Do we, when we hear the word of God being preached, close our ears to it and say "nah" that's not for me!"  Is it because we cannot discern the truth or is it because after all these years we have heard the forty years that must have seemed like an eternity wandering in desolate places with no end in site.  So I think we have been hardened by the "deceitfulness of sin", again a quotation from Paul in his letters to the Hebrews.
     The danger to us in our modern world is to disavow this type of thinking of even the possibility that we can receive a kingdom of eternal purpose.  Though that purpose is cloudy and removed from our everyday lives.  It nevertheless is still true.  It all comes down to choice, a right heart, (one that is softened) and one that is spiritually atuned to spiritual things.  Not the spiritual wooo, woooo! as in mystical, far off untouchable place. but one that is very much a part of our world and calls out to us in a time of peril, or searching, or questioning, or anything that will enter in to our hearts and let us consider the possibility of other things.
      Jesus, to some is just as much a mystery today as he was in his own time.  He was a man out of time.  God in flesh, making known to us the mysteries that need not be mysteries any longer, if we accepted his teachings then the lights would begin to come on in our hearts and our minds.
     The teachings of Jesus were not meant ot be oscure or hard to understand. If it were the thousands of unschooled untaught men and women would have turned away at first hearing.  But, those who were the wise.....just couldn't get it.  Their minds prohibited their hearts form entering in.   Faith was blocked and unbelief sat at their door.
       So will you enter in at the hearing of a true gospel, hopefully preached in a way to receive?  Not the programed, Americanized versions we know so much about, but the simple unadulterated word that cuts to the marrow of the bone, and reveals the thoughts and intents of the heart?  That's the message the Apostles preached, and all those who were witness to the life of Christ.  The power of that message  transcended thought and cut through unbelief at the core of their beings.  Satan has no power against such a place.
                 The entrance of Your word gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.
Psalm 119:130 NKJV

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