Saturday, May 30, 2015


  • Juxtaposed | Define Juxtaposed at
    Juxtaposed definition, to place close together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast. See more.
  •      We stand at the apex of our history.  We seem to be able to turn our thoughts and our dreams into a reality like never before.  Horse and buggy days though only  a century and a half ago seem ancient.  Six thousand years and little change occurred as warfare  and kingdoms made use of the same things for a thousand years.  Though there  are pockets of this type of living still around, it is rare.  Yet there are those who stand as witness to an event still relevant today.  Witnesses to a resurrection power; the only one of it's kind.
  •      Those who "believe" and are a "verb unto themselves" are those who take an action based on a firm and fixed belief of an occurrance  that happened even though not physically present.   This is not a passive believe as though, yes ,"I believe there is a God, but I don't know who that is!"  That is a stance of being nebulous.
  • Nebulous | Define Nebulous at
    Nebulous definition, hazy, vague, indistinct, or confused: a nebulous recollection
  •      A witness is one who has seen, been privy too, or has inside knowledge, a close one.  
  •      Therefore: Those who walked with Jesus were witnesses, and eyewitnesses of his resurrection, and his life here on earth.   With the advent of the Holy Spirit approaching; Jesus told them to wait for the "Helper" the very one he spoke to them about before his crucifixion. So they waited and were blessed with the power and new life and again were witness to the actual event of that time.   We ,today, who belive are also witnesses and stand juxtaposed to the now and the then ; and give contrast to the past and the present for a reason.  We can vigorously defend the faith, because we are the "joint heirs of Christ" partaking in his likness in everything he was though after his resurrection , because the impartation of the Holy Spirit is not debateable for us.  It is an actuality, not a dream, not distant or a hazy recollection unable to bring into focus.  That is the reason Paul suffered so much and was willing to continue on, because he was not to far removed from the actual event, and he had seen the Lord in a bright and blinding light that took his sight.   He was filled the same Spirit as Christ when pictured as a Dove alighting on his being.  It was gentle, but powerful, and it is real.  Once this dispensation commenced, it has continued to this day bearing witness of of a truth not to be ignored and brushed aside as one of many truths ,or should I say (Gods).  

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