Saturday, May 23, 2015

Once Upon a Time in a Land called Normal

     Once upon a time long, long, ago, and far,far, away lived a people in a land called normal.  Their soul purpose in life was to live in contentment with what they had and with what they did and bring joy to the one who caused them to live as they were.  They lived thousands upon thousands of years that way and none were the wiser to anything different at all, that is until the one who carried corruption came in and introduced all manner of detestable things to them and vexed and changed their thinking.  Suddenly things began to look different and slowly but surely their nature changed. Things that were unheard of now became the "new normal" and any one who disagreed with it were suddenly outcasts and barred from participation in the new town of normal.  This new town was dark, but they thought it light.  This people were wise but actually were blind.  Those who claimed to see became the leaders of those who could not.  And all those who remembered the old ways of normal became a separate people unto themselves.  They met together, fed each other looked after each other and even to those who were less fortunate then they.  As they did this their numbers grew and they spread out across the town and eventually left normal and carried with them the old ways.  Those that remained in normal became darkened, unaware of the danger that lurked in the near future.  Corruption had won in the major parts of normal.  The people lost vitality, sat for hours upon hours, fulfilling every desire but that which brought health. Their skin became pale, their eyes became hollow, their bodies, weak and flabby unable to bear the extra weight they now carried.  Their thoughts were turned, one to another, unnaturally opposed, exalted above all things.  The one who they lived for no longer relevant, no longer remembered, a distant echo in their ears, and their minds unable to remember.
     The ones, the normal of old carried on, waiting for the return of that which was lost>>>>>

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