Sunday, May 24, 2015

Rubbing Shoulders With The Devil

     Take a stand- hold a position-defend your ground- argue your point.............and then reason it away!

     Isn't that what we are doing and doing it on a rampant and exeedingly fast pace? With the advent of the 21 century of which we are all apart of things are changing at a pace not seen in our recent history.  The pendulum swings again! (Ireland)
     Like a reed bending in the wind (not a pro stance) and unable to withstand the force I think we have bent because of an underlying case of fatigue. What I mean is, the fight has gone out of us. Hasn't it become easier to "go with the crowd" these days? 
    Case in point:  Within the Christian Church, and especially the denomination of the Episcop[al Church, it has endured a  split because of one major issue, the sexual one.  Why?  Why along those lines was it so fierce so as to cause major disagreement? And say not along, racial, or other issues of money, position or even doctrinal stance on other issues of the Church?  I think it is because it strikes at the very point of "personal" choice and a stance that is fiercly protected by those who have taken it.  In a democracy we allow for thinking along lines that are flexible and so our country is reflective of the times we live in.  But within the Church Government it is an altogether different ball game.  The rules and morality given and adhered to are from a Divine source, and if we are those who embrace  and believe it then we cannot rub shoulders with the Devil and think we are an enlightened people.  Again, those who take on the mantle of the Lord and follow his teachings must do so rightly and not deceive themselves and fall into another frame of mind and thinking if they want to remain a Holy people.  This is not a haughty stance, merely one that was acceptable by the Early Apostles, Christians, and those who were washed in the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus because of  our sinful state.   It was repentance from "dead works" that we became what we are....a new creation in Christ.   As a new creation and one that has all of the benefits of the promises of life from the Gospel we cannot turn away from truth and that truth stands on a higher plain than our reasoning does.  And because of these promises we more than most show compassion, mercy and love from a point of perspective given by Jesus to be not condemnatory of those without the Church>I make this point because our scriptures say "judgement begins in the house of the Lord" and so we must make a distinction between what is Caesars and what is God's.  Democracy while I think is one of the best forms we have of a government as opposed to monarchy's and or dictatorships is still not the government of the Church.   Christ was head over all, and instituted another way.  Though denominized and traditionalized into another form still it aheres "mostly" to it's original doctrines but is now undergoing a morphing into a weakend state reflective of the democray that surrounds it.  The things Paul was beaten nearly to death for numerous times was a preaching of the Gospel with signs of power....inotherwords, it had something other than just words backing it and if it did where did it originate?  And who originated it?  If we can believe Paul's conversion story ( and I think we can) it was a dramatic reversal of all of what he believed in.  An encounter with the Holy. And so one of the tenets was Holiness towards the Lord (be ye holy because I am Holy) and separating those things that were yes, lustful in all it's- forms. 26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. (Romans)
 This topic was chosen because, of the nature of our sinful state in general.  It does not have to be weighted with other forms of a sinful state.  However it goes to the point of our will over God's will and because of that it is a force to be reckoned with and because the Devil knows this and has used this as an entrance point in our democracy  and the Church to erode and weaken a stance that was once known and was strong and now rubs shoulders with acceptable thinking of "our times."  This will always be a tactic of the devil, change the thinking of the masses the rest will follow.  

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