Tuesday, May 5, 2015


     In a few short months nine men and women will decide for a nation of 200 + million in this country what will be legal between men and men and women and women. The issue of legalized marriage will be all over the media and in our faces.  Why then does this issue raise such hackles in me as a Christian ?
    While I believe this issue is really cloaked in issues that will not be raised, still there will be a flood of people who will race to the altar in their newly found  and "legal" freedom that will ultimately be granted.  While as a Christian I make no judgements of those outside of the Church of Christ as I take a stand much like Paul before me and as (Pope Francis) recently did. I make a decision to focus on   "A" truth once known to the masses in general.     Jesus spoke of John the Baptist as great, and that there was none born of women greater than he, speaking of a certain righteousness.  He heralded the coming of the Lord and of his kingdom, a kingdom not of this world.  And of course a kingdom that came with his righteousness and not ours. So why did he lose his head?  It was because he pointed out the Sinful state of King Herod in taking his brother's wife as his own.  It was not done in that culture. And so in an opportune moment he had his daughter who pleased him ask anything of him, and guess what?  John was silenced, beheaded.  Herod silenced the opposition.
   While we do not commit murder to get our way, we can cloak the issue and even lie to ourselves and commit sin and have a Supreme court be the judge and scapegoat the issue for us instead.
    Do the words " Thou shalt not lie with a man as with a women" have any weight today?  Do the words, "Thou shalt not lie with you father's wife have any weight today?  What about adultery?  In any form?
     What about gender identity?  If you are born with all of the parts to be a man or a women then you are what you were born.  At least until our society came along and had the ability to change that with surgery.
Re-identiity is taking place as well.  When our minds can no longer focus on clear lines of a morality we can do what we want, like Herod.   Let's make a distinction though of "civil rights" and the Gay issue. If one stays with someone and bequeaths their entire wealth and estate to that particular person, what business is that of anyones?  Is that an issue of sex or of business or of love?  Even a rich married man can give his entire estate to his mistress instead of his wife if he so desired. Is that as issue of sex? Or of a bequeath?   So the issues must stand as they are on their own merit.  Can same sex couples raise and promote family values  (such as kindness and so forth, as well as heteros?  Probably so.  We can create what we want.  That again is not the issue.  The issue is what are we?  Whose morality are we changing? And where did it come from?  And are we standing in a place of judgement?  I believe we are.  As a Christian I say this, because there was one who came before me and gave moral teachings that are not outmoded. And as far as I know has not come back yet to change anything he said and said go ahead, it's ok, make a new law.   

     17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill  them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished

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