Friday, January 15, 2016

Food is for the belly: And the belly is for food

     "My blood is indeed drink and my body is indeed meat!" These  are the words of our Lord to his followers that surely raised their eyebrows at this statement.    Hebrew law forbid the drinking of blood for the life was in the blood.  While Pagans practiced human sacrifice all around the Hebrews nation, it was an abomination to God.  It also must have seemed to the Jews like a sacrificial statement.  So no wonder it was a repelling statement for those of Jesus's followers and confusing as well.  But now on the other side of the cross, for us and those disciples who saw Christ hanging upon the cross with blood shed from his side it was revelation.
     " If you love me.....keep my word."  " You are truly my disciples if you keep my commands."  Man shall not live by bread alone....but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." Christ allowed his body to be broken and his blood shed for all of us.
     As Christians, we must eat a daily diet of God's  word. It strengthens us and keeps us nearrer to him.  It is far to easy to slip into a secular frame of mind and begin to question again the Death of our Lord when all around us there is ample doubt cast our way of this very thing.   Correct belief lies at the very heart of everything we do.  Without it, there is no conviction, no motivation, no reason to do the things we do as Christians.  Take a look at the persecution many Christians now face in many of the world's Dictatorship countries.  Why are they being killed?  Just yesterday a list of leading countries was mentioned in the NY Times of the No. 1 countries where it is dangerous to be one. It is a war of thought and belief and power.
     Power comes from a victorious life in Christ  and those that see this who are not victorious either are enraged or changed, or blind.
     Eating and drinking the Lord is life.......and there is no fear for us when challenged to defend our belief.  For we stand at the Apex  of our time, perhaps the very last days of peace before a great falling away and the ushering in of an  Anti-Christ, then we shall  be seen for what we truly are.  serens_alice_in_wonderlands_eat_and_drink_me_clear_stamps_b056ecf1.jpg (398×294)

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