Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Grounded in the faith:resisting frenzy

     I can't help but feel that we are getting worked up into a frenzy by those who have no self control.  The self control I am talking about come from the spirit of God and not from our selves or our flesh tendencies.
     The times we live in are certainly troubled by many evils around us and make us tend to want to jump out of our skin and do something,and that is what I am afraid of for our country especially during our time of electing a President of this counrty.  If a man like Donald Trump can rise to the top of the GOP with a following of people that are disgruntled by the things they cannot change and are worn out by constant media coverage of world troubles and U.S. troubles  by inciting and firing up those places of discontent within them then beware.   The boastful, aarrogant, sometimes blasphemous words spoken flow all  to easily and are picked up by those who would want an instant change by power, money and connections all things that are the antithesis of all the things Jesus taught his disciples.
    We Christians must be level headed and grounded in the faith and open our eyes to the possibility that he just might be elected or at a minimum get the GOP nomination.  To be grounded in our faith means to not go with the crowd, only see with our eyes but see with the eyes of the Spirit.  IN the scriptures is said that the Messiah would judge this very way, not with eyes to see on the surface, but with eyes that penetrate and "knowing what was in the heart of a man."  We must be grounded in our faith by love first of all, look to others needs besides our own, carry others burdens, and resist the Devll where ever he appears and what ever he influences.  HIs influence always is the same.  Love of money, lust of the eye, pride of life.  In other words these are the things we deny when we come to the Cross of Jesus and take on his nature instead our own. Isn't that what it is all about?  We begin to trust that in all things, Jesus has the ultimate control and not worry that the "spin out of control" wil upend our faith.  However that does not mean we toss our our minds and become complacent and not become involved in the things we must be.
     Do the words of Trump bring you peace?  Do they instill inner lifting of those  hoped for qualities within you such as a Lincoln spoke about in his Gettysburgh address? Are they gracious or warlike?  You be the judge and do the right thing!
     Granted we have a limited choice this year in the Democratic side only two to choose from and one seems to court scandal and bring with them all the trappings of power and hidden workings, that have been exposed over the years and that is good for us because then we make informed decisions.
  Don't give in to the immediate gratification of all things we want change in.  Don't be in a frenzy!Abraham-Lincoln-Portrait-.jpg (2000×1000)video.ynewskatiecouric.com@df3727ac-3227-3cc1-9d7b-f1fae7858acf_FULL.jpg (1100×734)

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