Wednesday, January 13, 2016


     Every day that you do the right thing is a day the Devil has no power over you.  Now for sure circumstances can overtake you in a moments notice, but what will you do while in that circumstance?   Joseph fled naked and away from Potiphar's wife, Moses fled deep into the desert after murdering a man and standing up for what was right.  Samson brought down the pillars of the coliseum while still blind avenging the betrayal of Delilah and her deceitful ways.  Job sat in ashes, while seeking an answer to the horrendous situation he was now in, all while his friends had left him because he had suddenly become destitute and sick.

     My wife's family turned us away after a 2000, mile trip all in order to help them.  We were told to do anything, "go live in the woods!, I was thrown out of my brother's house 1:00 am in the morning while I watched him curse and go steadily unbalanced and toss our belongings out of his house calling us "trash."  

 Jesus said, "In this world you shall have many  tribulations, but fear not I have overcome the world."
And so must we, but not in our own strength.  We trust in our LORD.  After all of this we drove another 2,000 miles back to our home state and stayed three days in a local hotel, not knowing what was next or where we would go.  But... by grace a friend opened  up an apartment ,paid our deposit for rent so we could have an address, so our daughter could get back in school, so we could finally rest and thank God for his intervention. Acquaintances did all of this, not our family.  Go figure!  Why these events happened to us I do not understand.  But I do know this. None of my family know what Christianity is or know Jesus.  So we were basically on enemy ground.  Now I don't hold to and " us and them" way of thinking but, their fruits betrayed what kingdom they were in.  So look up, for your own victory, especially in hard circumstances, and pray hard.   Jesus will answer quickly and surprise you!9991559_300x300.jpg (300×300)

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