Thursday, January 21, 2016


      We have a giant target painted on us.  The Devil is raging against us. He is prowling around seeking whom he may devour, and often times it is the innocent.  YOu see he will work in darkness and prey upon the innocent because they often do not know enough to put up a fight.  NOW I am aware, painfully aware,of this because  the battle has been brought into my home.  And it has caught one of my own, and entangled them when they were in a state of vulnerability.  This is the way he works The DEVIL and I should know it by now.  I just didn't expect it.  I consider myself on guard, prayerful, and somewhat wise to his ways but I underestimated my enemy.  I won't do it again.
     I have written weekly for the past three years in this blog about Christian themes, Christ's goodness, the Apostles teachings, and have had some fun with  topics concerning Theology and it's underpinings,  and also some of the unfortunate experiences of my Christian walk I have had along the way.  I bear no bitterness and work on forgivness.  But there is one I will not forgive and that is the enemy of Christ.   That OLD SERPENT< The father of lies, a liar and thief from the beginning.
    When I begin to see his encroachment on my territory and that which is mine, I will fight with all that I know to fight with and that is the weapons of warfare of the Spirit. And God's word.   Jesus defeated the Devil's temptation with his very own word that was written and then spoken out loud back to him. Thou shalt serve the LOrd thy God and him only.  We must not forget that Satan was a created being, created in beauty,rising in arrogance and  rebelling against authority and falling to this Earth, where he is known as the "Prince of the Power of the Air>" Where he might be a Prince, we have a KING.  And we are his................We must also remember that we are fallen also, and because of that,  we must rely on the {Power of the Cross and the Power of Jesus name to come against him.  There is not a day that I live where it is even [possible to forget the price that was paid for my sin so I could be free.  My thoughts always gravitate on him and his ways.
     So I will now take it to my heart to teach the next generation about God and his goodness.
   The Jews had "frontlets or Tephillim" (prayers) to remind them of their God, these were inscribed words placed in a cube and lettered to remind them of their covenant to God. We have the indwelling Spirit in us which much more powerful given out of love and sacrifice and a reminder that he will never leave us.  
                                                  I will untangle what the Devil has tangled!

And I will be in a state of war if I have to be by prayer and by the written word and by others who share in the faith.
     iraq-tank.jpg (500×333)

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