Monday, April 25, 2016

Facing up to the coward within.

Yep, I confess, I am more coward than I believed I was. How do I know this?
Because when alone, there is a certain fear within that I face. I wouldn't have believed it was so, but alas, it is.  You see I went to observe some people, some in precarious places of station in life and suddenly I realized I was a fish out of water.  Suddenly not in my element of comfort and I felt naked!  I wanted to serve those who had to say the least not much of anything and share the Gospel, And of course, many of those who I wanted to serve were gathered in a place that was ....rough in elemental form. A rough and tumble place in our city.  So, I observed from afar, and left, afraid to be there or approach alone what I would later do with others, from our Church.  So I left and waited for my friends.  Other Christians who would also serve, but together in a group not alone.  So, yes I felt ashamed all at once, and I remembed Peter, and Jesus's forewarning of denial. Peter said he would never deny Christ, but, when push came to shove, he did.  So, when later my friends showed up I felt much better and strengthened by their nearness, but nevertheless, I knew my newfound feelings and shame.
     However, later on I was somewhat vindicated, simply by the fact that, down below where we were serving food for those who came a fight had broken out among the men, and it was not pretty.  Testosterone erupted rather quickly, and I'm quite sure from observing those in line, they had knives attatched to belts for defensive reasons with 6 to 7 inch blades!  So I learned a lesson.  Don't be stupid for Jesus!  Safety in Numbers.....David.

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