Friday, April 29, 2016


     There should be a thousand Hell's waiting for those who inflicted the kind of damage on the city of Aleppo, Syria.  Todays' pics in the Washington Post are horrendous, terrifying, and most of all heartbreaking.  The city is rubble, the hospital bombed to total unrecognition and those who were inside serving in healthcare as
Dr's, and nurses and those who were there as unfortunate victims of war killed indiscriminently for just being there.  Most of all one picture stirrs the most sadness, of a boy who lost his brother who said, "my father has lost the love of his life."  and the boy further said ," I wish it was me."
     For all those who think that war is glory, think again and look at the loss in the faces of those the Washington Post has captured. We here in America cannot comprehend the loss these people suffer.  No homes, no food, no medical, and no shelter from overhead death that comes in the form if thunderous jets reigning terror in an instant.  most of all there is no recognition of anything that resembles civilization!

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