Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Wuh? Happening?

Today I woke up dead! And for the life of me (no pun intended) I can't figure out what happened! I felt ok, when I went to bed. Didn't feel any pain, or atleast I don't remember it now.  How Odd....where am I now?  Oh! Look at me...I'm not quite myself.  My body...it's light, I don't feel myself I feel I guess you could say nothing, absolutely nothing!  But my mind, it's still the same. Do I have memories, check, do I have that.  Do I have emotions....check, I feel strange, somehow dis-connected.  Wait...something is coming towards me.  What? or should I say who?  Someone is walking towards me very quietly, very deliberately.
     I suddenly feel fear. I'm shaking. I'm feeling desperately like I want to hide but, there is nothing to hide behind, I'm totally in the open, exposed, my heart, is racing, but wait....I'm dead, remember?  why do I feel like this! Now I see more clearly, it's a man, a man in robes?  Yes white, very white robes.  And now my legs they are rubber, they won't hold, I'm slipping to the ground? But no ground, the closer he gets the worse I feel!  Help!  Help!  Someone please get me out of here, I can't stand the brightness!  Please anyone else out there?  No....no one...just me and him.
      I'm done, I feel it somehow,   though I feel also an intensity from this man, a great intense un-explainable love but not for me.....!  Darkness,  Darkness,  I'm swallowed up in  darkness all around, voices calling, crying, yelling out, but suddenly I'm caught in a pit, i'm restrained, caught by my arm, legs bound too!   Nooooooooo!   I see me, I see others, they see me and turn away.  I look up from where I was.  I see the man, white robed, with burning eyes, and a face, such a face, pure and  Holy, totally, Holy, and I can't even get near.........at all.....too late, I know it.  

    Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the Earth; I made a spectacle of you before Kings, by your many sins......

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