Sunday, April 24, 2016

They Are Now HIs Witnesses To Our People, (those who traveled with Christ)

     We tell you the Good News:
     You've heard it before Now hear it again!  Yes Good news has been spread and is being spread every day that you live.  One day though it will end, and be too late to hear ever again.
     The Gospel will never be old news.  If it is or becomes so, then something is wrong inside and a refreshing is needed.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ and the proclaimed Kingdom of God is here to stay.  Though there be controversies, debates, errors, cults, and so many more things to pervert, the Gospel remains intact and a light to light the path for everyone's feet who so chooses to open their ears but for a second.
     Once, a long time ago, an Old man, a preacher, and a faithful Church planter, let me help him in his way to spread the word,  Oh, no!  tracts!  Yes the old time way to spread a simple message.  It simply said, " The entrance of thy word, giveth light." A Psalm.   A Simple ground shaking message meant to light the heart up.  YOu see the Good news will always shed light, because it is truth and a word that is not perishable from God's mouth to us.  It is intended now to do what the Apostles did orally, make known the mystery and message of the Messiah, God's chosen to bring light into a dark world.   Think this is not necessary?  Look around, open up your eyes, there is death and darkness all around, even in the midst of  say, a "good day."  YOu see that is what I believed before light entered in my heart.  I chose to look only at the good, see the good in all  or everything, naieve at best.  And this was because I was sheltered, brought up  in a good stable home and had safety.  But when the bottom dropped, then my eyes were open wide to the darkness at work also.
     The Devil is very clever that way,  give us everything we need, and we become blind, take the dependency away and poof!  The Devil will appear like magic and all of a sudden you will see all the places he works in.  Families, yes, job, yes, health, yes, money, yes, every where there is air, there he will be a power to influence.  After all this is where he was cast down to.
    Now not to center on him, anymore, we center on just exactly what can counter his influence.....the name of Jesus, and his indwelling power to re-new!  Peace.

    ( By the way), When I offered to help print those old-time tracts for this man of peace and faithful servant, guess where the opposition came from to stop this.....another pastor who was threatened by an 86 year old man.  Suddenly his ministry was encroached upon and this couldn't exist along side!  Horrors!

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