Wednesday, April 27, 2016

In The Eyes of God;we are but dust....

     God knows our true frame, dust;  We, however strive to be so much more everyday.  Just look at the fantastic things we have done.  Trips to the moon, under the sea, on the highest of high mountains,  dreams and 'notions' to be so much more than to "return to the earth from which we came."  How can all of the cells in the body, the millions of genetic code be just.....dust?  I don't know.  And neither do the smartest scientists of today or yesteryear.  When the breath goes out of us, we are gone, lifeless, still and relegated to another to take  care of the body we now have left.  Yes I say left, beause I know that the Spirit and breath of God now is somewhere else, not in the tent of the flesh we left behind.  Our western culture is so infused with a material thinking that we make light of other cultures much more spiritual than ours including those we disposessed from this land, the Indians.  Through our own effort we replace the need for God.  And that is why we come away empty when all of the toys of this life no longer fulfill.  We then seek mystical experiences and call those who do fanatics and fringe people who live on the outskirts of what most others do and we call it crazy. But what if?  There is in that seeking, the root of a truth, we have left behind?
     We were made in God's image so it says in Genesis, (the beginning).  And I find it somewhat curious, that the Hebrews were commanded not to make any image of God, or animals or anything else to be a God.  ???? If we were made in the image of God then we well, look like him!  If then this is true how did this  degenerate into stone figures, and images so far removed from us? God's annointed was ....a man. A Messiah to bring us a return to truth.  And a return to the Spiritual state we lost.  A religious system replaced the the reverance we should have continued to give to our God who created us and placed in us in the beginning the ability do do wondrous things.  Name all the animals?  I can't even remember someone's name I worked with years later when I meet them again out of a familiar place!  I can't remember what I had for breakfast let alone name Commorants, Osprey, Whales, Donkeys, or Pigs and imbue in that name a characteristic that defines that species.  (stubborn as a donkey) etc. etc.  So I think in an effort to be more than we are we have become "Marvelized" and become superheroes because it is fun to do and dream of the impossible.  Action movies and double 00"s that don't get hurt from 30 foot falls, and then get up and dust (no pun intended) themselves off! 

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