Friday, December 18, 2015

ATime is coming and now is when light and dark is clear: True Christians stand up!

                                              “See, the enemy is puffed up;
                                                his desires are not upright—
                          but the righteous person will live by his faithfulness[d]
                                  indeed, wine betrays him;
                                                he is arrogant and never at rest.
                                  Because he is as greedy as the grave
                                                and like death is never satisfied,
                                  he gathers to himself all the nations
                                               and takes captive all the peoples.

     Are you ready?  A distinction is about to come about!  Can you see it on the horizon?  Just look at Habakkuks' written and inspired revelation of what God is about to do in his time!  He  Habakkuk was in a state of mind that might echo somestate of mind what we would call a depressed state.  The events of his time were appalling and The Sin of Israel increasing as evidenced by those in power taking undue advantage of the poor and underpriviliged.  And he feels there is no justice.
    But God had an answer, judgement by the coming Babylonians and the conquest of Israel.  Everything will be underseige and those who live by faith need not worry! 
   So even now those who speak of this nation as a Christian nation what do they do?  What words do they speak? the guise of defense> security> protection?  As they embrace their (own)  version of their Christian faith beware, it is not one of holiness, grace, or change, (i,e) being formed and being a new creation as Christ intended for those who embrace true Christianity.  How will a man like Trump, govern?  Seeking  to kill off and go after families of terrorist's?  Barring all of the Muslim faith from entering? Creating an atmosphere of hate, bigotry, and aggression as witnessed in his campaign gatherings?  Speaking of rapists and murders of all Mexicans? and finally building a giant wall of separation between borders of the U.S. and Mexico and alienating the  Arab nations with his rhetoric. Arrogant? Rich and powerful? Blasphemous?  Ridiculing all others who dis him?  Look at his fruit and let the Republicans  and all those who raise his poll numbers to the sky! Open your eyes and see the difference... The Lord is in his holy temple;
    let all the earth be silent before him.

What judgement awaits a nation that professes Christianity and is anything but.  It is the individual that is changed little by little, here a little there a little, line upon line, precept upon precept. In other words it starts in the heart and is transformed by the Spirit and finally into that final nature resembling..............Christ, one that can be raised up into glory, because Sin is no longer remembered by God.


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