Thursday, December 3, 2015

Moving through time and space, How is it possible?

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     God's word}     It moves through our time and space.  It defy's our physics as we know it and it defy's our thinking.  It also reverses so it seems the law of entropy( "or lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.")   How is this possible in a world that we know in science as predictable?  In other words, that which we can reproduce with accuracy time and again with the same results.
     I remember reproducing results while sitting in chemistry class way back when when I was young experiments with outcomes with  expected results. I remember heats of reaction where elements were transfomed say into ashes or compounds and calculating moles and weights of atoms to balance equations proving that matter can be neither created nor destroyed.  Attributed to Lavoisier, only
     So it begs the question of miracles, resurrection, water into wine, disease healed, and a word of a God that travels through time to accomplish his will.  How?  I don't know....yet.
     But I know without a doubt that it happens, and every day.  That which breaks into our world the natural is supernatural or of another source.  It is said that God is Spirit.  NO body, form or tangibility to perceive.  
Christians take in faith and with senses "exercised with use" Paul said...our belief in Jesus as one who defied natural physical laws empowered by one who could perform these things.   Christians also believe in infalibility of a God who does this.  So, if Daniel in the year 600 B..C. believed in his God the spectacular visions he received of future events and also our future events, we can see now with eyes looking backwards the things he saw as future.  
   So it is possible for me to have faith when before Jesus was handed over to Pilate, he prayed one of the most marvelous prayers ever spoken in John chap. 17.  He prayed not for "those in the world"but for those who would believe in "ME"Jesus the Son. and for those who would also believe and spread the word as Gospel for all those in the future!    
    So now it is possible for me to believe that God re-arranged molecular, biological and atomic particles somehow to not only restore Lazarus to life but to believe that God raised Jesus from the dead as well in a Glorified body that was possible for him to not be recognized, walk through doors and eventually raise up into a heavenly place he said in that place he would prepare for his followers.  

       NOW WHAT IS THAT PLACE?  And what are we going to do in it?  Again I don't know...but I do know this, too....Pentecost happened as it says in Acts, the Spirit was given, and Tongues was a sign not for believers but for unbelievers. And it is disdained and mocked by many as nonsense....and not necessary.  There is a song that speaks to this...with verse as follows: 
      If that same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwell in you, dwell in you, it shall quicken your mortal body, if that Spirit dwell in you."music-notes-on-staff-clipart-dT6XGz8T9.jpeg (2236×1006)

                               Have you received the Spirit since you have believed?  Paul asked the same question to  believers in his day!   

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