Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Did you Watch carefully?

    Last night I tuned in for the first time this year the republican dabates because I wanted to see for myself what people are going after.  I wanted to see "The Donald" and why he is the front runner of the party he is now representing.   I watched for about 1 and a half hours and listened to the increasingly escalated tone of each one of gthe candidates as they talked in words of war,,,and defending this country against ISIS.   NOT one of them mentioned sending into harms way young men and now women into zones of terror.  It is because we do not want to think that way.  We Americans have been brought up in a culture of "win" and mindset of our independance ever since breaking free from the British rule of a King.  We want to win but do not relish the consequences Vietnam still lingers in my memory.  Far removed from our soil, men died for a cause they were taught to believe in and many were disillusioned upon return to this country.   What is Trump tapping into? and why are people listening to a blasphemous mouth of a man who makes faces and frowns while intelligent men (Bush) share this stage with him and seemingly lose favor to a man like this?  I almost could see the contempt in Bush's face towards Mr. Trump>

     Lest we forget the cost,  we are being drawn into a religious war from Zealots and Jihadists who do not think like we do.  Hiding  behind the Koran and a huge " veil of Religion" they wage a war of destructive force that is insidious.  Recruiting those who either must be dead inside themselves and who do not fear death as we do or they are so deceived that they are totally blind. Their hatred of all things "West is apparent.  Their conscience is seared.  Far removed from  a mentality of being judged for their actions from one who is mightier than they are and one who can eternally throw them into a deeper hell that they bring upon others.  And they will go there, trust me.,,,
    We think that what we see is all there is.  But that is not the case.  Spiritual strongholds and "Princes of geography" stragically hold places in their grip to cause turmoil.  I reference the book of Daniel and his fight to loose the strangle hold that his "Present King"  had upon him and his people because they would not bow down.   In his fast that lasted 21 days, Spiritual  battles raged in the heavenlies. MIchael was prevented from helping Daniel because of the "Prince of Persia." that detained him.  What is that? Or who?  We can only surmise because we cannot see that realm.
   If in fact there is Good and Evil then there are generals and soldiers that lead in that fight even in the heavenlies.  This world and history is replete with stories of Gods and Goddesses  and mythological creatures that exist in another realm.  Is there any truth to it? I think that there is.  But not as we see it.  It remains a mystery for now.
    But my point is,,, we are going to elect someone who has to deal with this present reality "AS IT IS" not how we want it to be.  I never in my dreams was afraid to go to a movie theatre when I was young.  I was a place to be lost in and to escape into a world where everyday things were put out of the mind at least for about 2 hours.  So I wll continue to tune in and be a part of the silent conversation until action is necessary on my part..................Someone please Trump.........Trump!2000px-Joker_black_02.svg.png (2000×2900)

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