Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Why must we believe at all? HIstorically speaking....

 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
     It's a set up! It's all been pre planned from the beginning and there's nothing you can do tho change that!  The scripture referenced above is from the book of John.  Jesus was the Word from the beginning and was with God and became flesh for our sakes.  In other words......history speaks to us today, is written down for  us and is demonstrated through the Holy Spirit given after Jesus was risen!   Now do you have to believe that?  Absolutely not.  There's nothing compelling you to unless you come to the decision that it is true.  
     C.S. Lewis gave some thought to this in his time and had written on the subject in his "Mere Christianity'.
Tongue in cheek title as it is....It is anything but MERE.    Christianity gave rise to "many sons and daughters.  NOw you aks who? And what?   If as we believe that Jesus was the Son of the Almighty, then what was given birth to?  
The answer to that is what Lewis surmised......Man begets man.........God begets....well .......God like....beings..us!  In other words as Paul gave witness also too, what is sown in weakness and flesh of the body  we were given, after the new life enters from God is changed (into exactly what remains a mystery) but know for sure that we will be 

                                                             like him...Jesus.  so that is an awesome thing to think about!   kernelofwheat.png (311×269)

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