Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Ordinary:       Being part of the natural order of things; normalcustomaryroutine

That is what is the temptation of every day is to me.   Why?  Because I was changed some thirty years ago.........Christ was anything but normal, customary, or routine.   Every day walking with him must have been a continual eye-opener!  Yet there were so many who did not see. So many that were offended by his very life!

      So I was not offended when approached by his presence,  I was afraid!  I knew at that moment in time there was an intersection here on earth  of something I did not understand with my mind but my Spirit comprehended it right away.  And so the journey began.  Along the way it was certainly a twisty road and one I could not have possibly imagined.  Trying to understand the heavenly while being earthly and ordinary takes some doing, but Jesus made it easy when he said " take my yoke...for my burden is light."   

     What that has meant though was to die daily as Paul found out and not to succumb to the thinking anymore of the ordinary or routine or customary way of life I had known before else, why seek?  To seek is to want to find, explore, and know.  So now some days are routine with jobs, kids, shopping and all of the other things that we do on a daily basis to fill up our days here on Earth.   But the temptation for me is to forget that an incredible power resides within me waiting for the day when   BAM!   In the twinkling ( sounds benign and harmless!)  of an eye I will be changed.  But now I live daily also with the knowledge that I am different, I do know things, that are inconceiveable and are unquestionably true.  So like Jesus when he was 12 years old defending his need to be in "his father's house." to his mom and dad! (what did they think of him at that moment!)  Ordinary? I don't think so.  So too I must be in my father's house daily not thinking anymore that I am just ordinary and this is not arrogance on my part , but a necessary frame of mind because I (we)  have things to do,  

                                       " If you love me...keep my commands.  Love one another as I have loved you.  Pray without ceasing, Give and it will be given unto you,  pressed down and overflowing....
  Do I believe this as I am scrubbing floors, serving, seniors citizens, taking care of family, and shopping again and again and again............yes I do!   though ordinary events in life must take place................I am no longer ordinary!   I am counter culture................counterculture-movement-3-728.jpg (728×546)

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