Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Blah blah, blah,blah........is anyone really listening?

So today instead of being a really nice day as I anticipated it actually **##%^^s-----ed!
Why you ask?  Because communication really. Su&**((##ks!   Why is is that people pass the buck?, don't do what they say, tell you that it's not their problem!, say things like I didn't do it!,   and on and on and the list goes.    Example;  One person sets an appointment, emails the details, to another person, leaves out the person it's about and time and destination and important details and guess what?  All goes to he double hockey sticks!  And so frustration builds and builds and then pop!  The cork comes out of the bottle!   This yields guess what.....a sin laden expletive that wants to roll off the tongue so sweetly and then give birth to death!.  That is exactly what the devil wants on a daily basis. With all of us.  What goes around comes around.  Or so the saying goes.  So being a Christian in a world of non------ones, let's just say it's a BIG challenge.  Daily we take up the cross, remember our Savior's price paid so we can overcome these types of things and then bless those who then proceed to curse you, persecute you, and say all manner of things about Christianity they might not know anything about.
To them it's just head stuff.  Maybe they don't always say it but....it's there under the surface.
     I am amazed that the further I delve into the Gospel and it's redemptive power the more I realize how far (I)we have fallen.   The redemtive power of Jesus on the cross is immense and not to be underestimated and it's raw power to transform each and everyone no matter the state is staggering.  But, and I say But, you have to let it in, in ground that is soft and tender and ready to grow something other that what you have been growing for most of your life.  Ever see meat tenderized? Ever seen the small hammer with triangle bumps on it that looks like a med-eval torture implement?  Then you know the state of the meat after that beating!   So we are beaten up daily by events, people, broken dreams, broken marriages, and jobs that don't pan out the way we expected.  It is a very very imperfect world we inhabit, still there is beauty, untold beauty we can behold and see the fantastic mind behind all of creation that is but a dim light of what it once was.  So when someone, says something, about someone, who did, something and trys to spread a little gossip, while satisfying some little thing in them, don't be suckered into it!  Avoid, the appearance of evil that gospel states, don't throw in with the crowd, Peter says, and resist the Devil, even if it comes packaged in a friend ready to un-pack a load!   Don't bear that kind of load, dump it! And as for comunication.... let it be yes and yes or no and no, anything elso comes from you know who.......

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