Thursday, March 31, 2016

"Hear O' Israel, The Lord Our God,The Lord is One

     This is a monotheistic statement.   As stated in Deut. 6;4.  Made in proclamation to Israel to contrast the many Gods of the nations around them.  One Lord, One God, and as Isaiah stated, "there is none other besides me, I know not one."
     He is all in all, the creator of everything.  However through the Prophets, a Messiah was to come to Israel, an annointed one to reedeem the people.  This was, "God's Messiah.....not men's.  Get that?  The nations had made their many Gods in rebellion to the true one.  Gods molded in gold and silver, stone and earth.  Devoid of any power to save whatsoever.  Men had traded away true knowledge and devotion in their rebellion against God.  Made images that was forbidden and then practiced the occult and sacrificed even their children to them. Detestable. Within this came again a perversion of truth passed down through the centuries and even to us today.  Then came Jesus, The Christ, The Messiah, who was missed by all and nearly by his own disciples.  A man who brought the kingdom of God close again.  The Son of God.  Get this?  God had a son. John 3;16 the famous passage to all chldren who memorize scripture for the first time.  This was God's Messiah, namely Christ, as stated in my previous blog a couple of days ago.   The mystery finally revealed to take away the sin of the world, The Lamb that was slain from before the foundation of the world. (Revelations).  So in God's mind his existence was pre- so that is how Jesus could say to the Pharisees, "Before Abraham was.....I AM."  Though not physically born yet in the flesh to Mary, yet pre-existant to entering our world.  That is how Jesus could say that "I am from above", and you are from below."  confusing every body at the time.  So now were there two Gods?  No. Just one Father and one Son.
So enters the perversion that Paul tried over and over to straighten out in his letters to the new Churches.  Gnosticism, Paganism, and some others that tried to work their way into the Gospel of Good news.  One sacrifice for all and for all time.
     In our day "Oneness doctrine is a doctrine that is spread and at one time I believed it.  However over time and 30 years of reading my thoughts about this have changed and because of the clarity of the scriptures and of Jesus's word about his father as well.  He often said that 'he is greater than I"  That the Father and I are One and so forth. Confusing at the very least, however God did have a Son.  And that son Paid the penalty for us, and the work of God, as Jesus proclaimed, was to believe on the one who sent Him....!  Who is the One? But God............."Hear O Israel, The Lord Our God, The Lord is One.............
    Oneness doctrine was destructive, defensive, divisive, and not Scriptural.  And this is the testimony God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his son, whoever has the son has life, whoever does not have the Son does not have life.  So Sort it out for yourself.  And re-read as many times as it takes.  It is important to know what we believe.  How this Father Son and Holy Spirit are One...even the ancients tried to make sense of it through the Nicene creed. Wordy and hard to formulate.  But do we really need to?   Jesus was the Alpha and the Omega...Greek for beginning and the End.  So who will  we see?  Paul said, Christ was the image of the invisible God.  Yet born to us Immanuel God with us.   It was important to Jesus to know who he was, divine and yet human.  Born in the flesh, raised in Glory with a new body we are promised to have as well.

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