Saturday, March 26, 2016


     Unity in the Church has always been foremost on my mind whenever I search for one to serve in.  For many years I have been disappointed in the lack of it  that I find exists in the many I have visited and been a part of.
     Paul in writing to the Philipian Church advocates that they be as one striving together for the faith of the Gospel.  This is an extremely important and necessary part of any church if it is to function in love, action, and carry out it's mission among those who have yet to make a decision to enter and become a believer in Christ.  If those who enter in seeking to understand the Christian way of life find that there is more dis-unity, and dis-harmony among the believers  than that in the secular world, then we have failed to walk in a correct manner in advancing the Gospel of good news.  Church is so much more that a "gathering" of people with like interests.  It is most of all to be powered by the Holy Spirit that indwells  within each believer and also to "draw" the Holy Spirit near to be active within the Church itself, in ministering it's precious and supernatural giftings. One has but to read the accounts in the Book of Acts of the Apostles to see the working of the Holy Spirit both inwardly and outwardly among those who spread the Gospel.
     "Conduct yourselves in a worthy manner" Pauls exhorts them.  Then he says "whether I come or only hear", then I will know that you stand firm in one Spirit.
The disparity that is displayed in those churches that fail to be one and love one another as Jesus, and then John so aptly pleaded or taught will in themselves lack the first love Jesus warned about in Revelations.  Pettiness, shallowness, backbiting one another must be eliminated and the flesh nature not be given into.
     Walking in the Spirit with Gentleness, kindness, peacefulness, and steadfastness are characteristics that we are to put on and then those who are looking for honesty and sincerety will find it immediately within and all the programs in the world would be superflous.  Yes, it's good to build some, but the onus in any Church is to birth one into an eternal kingdom that Jesus spent 3 years of his life so diligently showing the  Love of God and his kingdom that was now near to all of those who would believe the message.
     "That mighty Spirit that worked in Christ to raise him from the dead", is also at work in you, when you believe and are Baptised with the Holy Spirit and born again.  There is no other entry way, and Jesus made it plain to all.  It is first a demonstration of repentance from dead works (of ourselves) and then acceptance of the pure grace that leads to salvation.  Then, life from living wells will spring up from within.
      After thirty some years, I have found one (Church) that seems to fit what was in my heart from the very begining after being born again.  Unpre-tentious, giving, non-judgemental, outreaching, with a message of grace that meets those who are hurting and those who are bound and those who need affirmation that yes......2000 years ago a great sacrifice was made so all could enter in.  No walls of exclusion, we were all sinners.   

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