Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Where the rubber meets the road:

     They say (someone said) if you want to know what someone feels, "walk a mile In their shoes."  Well, have you?  Is there any empathy, sympathy, any inward emotion at all that stirs as you might see someone less fortunate than you? Or is there just pacivity or maybe worse, nothing at all?
     Now take a look at what Is happening in this election year....Trump is causing all kinds of emotions to stir up, those things that are not good at all.  What has he tapped into?  And so easily?  And why is this year shaping up to be horrendous?  Editorial after editorial in the news, shows the disgust of those that write them about the fomenting of anger, and bigotry, and racisism that he taps into and gets the crowds all worked up.  I'm afraid that he has tapped into the baser instincts, and let the beast loose in those who have felt shortchanged.  All of the past 6o years of achievements of civil rights growth washed away with fanfare and idolatry towards one man.  Trump will not do what he says. It's impossible with a character like his.  HIs professed statement of being a "strong Christian" is in itself a bogus statement and any true Christian would know that their strength truly lies in the Lord himself.  Humility and a contrite spirit is the apple of the Lord's eye.  Any true believer would know this basic and elementary truth.   Repentance is the hallmark and entryway to God's kingdom,  If he has never asked God to forgive him, then he is not forgiven.  And so there is an absence of empathy, true emotion, and sympathy greatly lacking in this individual.  Beware of this kind of man.  He is not one to weild power at all!  Their is a very strong delusion being dispensed right before your very eyes.   And this is definitly spoken about in the Scriptures.  A Christian....with billions of dollars? Gold everywhere?  And a mouth that speaks bitter and sweet.......slandering, accusing, lying profusely.....and the wrapping it up in "MAKE AMERICA GREAT! Only God, is the one who raises up nations and brings down nations.  Have we so easily  forgotten men like Nelson Mandella, with a character forged in prison? Who rose to lead his nation to more freedoms!

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