Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Mystery of God:Namely-Christ

     These are the words of Paul, written to the Colossian Church.   For in his time the mystery of God was revealed and imparted to those eyewitnesses of which Paul was not, but became a disciple after his trip to damascus.
     The great mystery of all time was wrapped up in the man who was called the Messiah by the Jews, and perhaps crazy by some of them and a radical by the Romans and one who stirred up trouble in Judea.  This man who still graces the cover of Time magazine today and still raises questions for those who are skeptical is the mystery of God, revealed  for all time both in the  present and in the past for us, salvation, and an entry way to what men have searched for since the beginning of exploration an eternity placed in our spirits and body and an escape from death.
     Today is Resurrection day.  A day that Jesus rose from his dark tomb and showed himself to Mary, and the other disciples whom he loved and walked with.
     Today is the day I will attend a local church and then feed the poor.  Why?  Because it is one of the commands of Jesus.  He fed five-thousand at one time, we hopefully feed more than than today both Spiritualy and physically.  The mystery continues: will you see?

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