Sunday, March 13, 2016

"Justified", No not the TV show!

     We are justified if and I say If....we have faith in God's Son Jesus Christ.  All of the wrongs all of the weights of guilt and sorrows caused by us and by others to us are wiped clean and forgiven by Faith in Jesus Christ.  We think to ourselves that apart from God and our absense of our knoweledge of him we can live a "good" life if we do not harm or hurt others.  That is the biggie, the deception that will keep us out of the kingdom of God.  This is the crux of Paul's message to the Romans.   The Law that the Jews so faithfully obeyed by their own works was not able to do what Christ did when he came on the scene and began to turn upside down the world as they knew it.  Faith now through the Spirit was a new Law that appeared on the scene and was stronger and able to relieve men, and (women, and children) of this undoable self jutification that still exists today and is prevalent in our society as a Theology that discounts the need for God.   The idea that if we lead a good life, then we will be okay is nonsense.  It does not negate the righteouness of God who will still carry out a just and right punishment for the original Sin since the beginning of time.   The Garden of eden is still relevant and true.   However mixed our current Theologies have become
because of human error and a desire to "do it our selves", will never relieve God of his just righteousness towards us.  It maybe that to us his justness is harsh and unseemly but look what entered into us and the world when disobedience occurred.  Death for us and decay of our bodies, thorns and thistles for the Earth and a Spiritual "Prince of the Air" Satan who roams to and fro seeking whom he may devour.  That is not what I call a paradise to live in.
     The thief on the cross next to Jesus, was that day forgiven, and entered into paradise with Jesus.  You see forgiveness is an actual happening and asking to be forgiven opens to door to understanding and a wisdom from God that will change your life.

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