Tuesday, December 29, 2015

"Empty Shoes"

One of the things I remember growing up is my grandfather's empty shoes in the cellar.  He had an old cellar that I was captivated by as  nine year old boy.   Opening up the door a damp musty smell permeated my nose immediately and as I descended down the stairs on old rubber coated wooden stairs  they creaked and were "sticky" under my feet and made a "greeeech" noise . Upon getting to the bottom facing directly infront of me was an old cupboard with old fashioned ice chest hinges.  On the very bottom of the  cupboard were a line of shoes that looked to me like they were ancient.  They also smelled funny from being in the cellar.  I marveled not becuse they were old but rather my thoughts were that some day they would be "empty shoes" forever.  I did not relish that thought at all.  Death to me at that time was a foreign experience yet to be had.  My grandfather and I were close and so it gave me the creeps to think of that future time.
   Now scroll forward some 55 years later and I have seen death up close many times as I was in the healthcare field and it was just thrust upon me in inopportune times throughout my career.  
     As fast as death seemed to come sometimes, empty shoes came faster and I began to feel over time that this was a commonplace experience and so I got used to it.  But, I often thought of all those I had come to know over time  and wonder "where they were"  and if their soul was truly at rest. For me this was something of a fascination for me and concern of mine.  Because we bond to those we know throughout this life the holes people leave when they are gone don't really disappear.  And our hearts definitely feel it.  One should never get so used to death that we either don't think about it or we tend to think of it in rosy terms that may not be the case.
     Salvation as I have come to know it first hand is an importsnt consideration that I  have found that many people think of as an "extra" possibly  while even on their deathbed.  It definitely is not.  " For all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God."  Romans, I think.  Therefore there will always be an atonement necessary for "all" of us, get that...a big ALL.  That is inclusive and leaves no one out.  It is a very personl experience to come to know the living God. And it is still a mystery to me that some would never come to know or accept the sacrifice of Jesus.  I know that I have longed to see more of an outpouring of God's Spirit in my time but I also think that Church gets in the way with too many traditions for the Holy Spirit to even enter into.  It takes a contemplative moment and a quiet time for those who gather to allow God's Holy Spirit to even draw close.  Some times Churches are too busy and to programed in our western ways to sense when the Holy Spirit draws near.
    And so I think there will be many empty shoes never to be filled again and I wonder where they all end up.old-shoes-new-shoes.jpg (866×437)

Friday, December 25, 2015


Who is like our God? Whose length of days cannot be numbered.  Who knows the end from the beginning. Whose heart is like that of a lion on the prowl.  Who can catch the Lord whose  feet are like a gazelle faster than a cheetah and the wind itself.  Unable to be seen.  Woe to him that inflames those around him whose justice is not justice but an uneven balance.  But blessed is the man whom the LORD chooses whose feet he catches.  HIs days will run over and his descendants  are without end.  /

The Light Of All Men

                           Thanks be to God for his  promises for all generations!   Merry Christmas

                                            x-life-was-the-light-of-men.jpg (640×480)

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


                       “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised,
                  you may now dismiss[d] your servant in peace.
30                         For my eyes have seen your salvation,
31                   which you have prepared in the sight of all nations:
32                           a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
                          and the glory of your people Israel.”

“This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, 35 so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.”
I am and old man.  I have been waiting patiently for years for the consolation of my country, Israel.  Many have come promising change, some zealots, some radicals, some in innocence not realizing what they do.  They stir up hope in the people and stir up trouble for the Romans, those who govern us daily reminding us of their "Gentileness."  They do not understand at all. They have their Gods many of them and all of them on display in some form or another.  We however are an ancient people, storied in our traditions of the One God of all men.  We know who we serve.  And I am tired tonight having stood all day at the temple, my Spirit alive but my flesh very tired.  I was stirred up for some reason all day and I had the urge to come here and wait at the temple.  I didn't really have a clear understanding only I knew I must. And then I saw them a young mother and father and an infant.  My Spirit leapt.  I went forward and looked down and then looked up and the mother.  She handed me the baby and I prophesied..........


Friday, December 18, 2015

ATime is coming and now is when light and dark is clear: True Christians stand up!

                                              “See, the enemy is puffed up;
                                                his desires are not upright—
                          but the righteous person will live by his faithfulness[d]
                                  indeed, wine betrays him;
                                                he is arrogant and never at rest.
                                  Because he is as greedy as the grave
                                                and like death is never satisfied,
                                  he gathers to himself all the nations
                                               and takes captive all the peoples.

     Are you ready?  A distinction is about to come about!  Can you see it on the horizon?  Just look at Habakkuks' written and inspired revelation of what God is about to do in his time!  He  Habakkuk was in a state of mind that might echo somestate of mind what we would call a depressed state.  The events of his time were appalling and The Sin of Israel increasing as evidenced by those in power taking undue advantage of the poor and underpriviliged.  And he feels there is no justice.
    But God had an answer, judgement by the coming Babylonians and the conquest of Israel.  Everything will be underseige and those who live by faith need not worry! 
   So even now those who speak of this nation as a Christian nation what do they do?  What words do they speak?  War....retribution....death....in the guise of defense> security> protection?  As they embrace their (own)  version of their Christian faith beware, it is not one of holiness, grace, or change, (i,e) being formed and being a new creation as Christ intended for those who embrace true Christianity.  How will a man like Trump, govern?  Seeking  to kill off and go after families of terrorist's?  Barring all of the Muslim faith from entering? Creating an atmosphere of hate, bigotry, and aggression as witnessed in his campaign gatherings?  Speaking of rapists and murders of all Mexicans? and finally building a giant wall of separation between borders of the U.S. and Mexico and alienating the  Arab nations with his rhetoric. Arrogant? Rich and powerful? Blasphemous?  Ridiculing all others who dis him?  Look at his fruit and let the Republicans  and all those who raise his poll numbers to the sky! Open your eyes and see the difference... The Lord is in his holy temple;
    let all the earth be silent before him.

What judgement awaits a nation that professes Christianity and is anything but.  It is the individual that is changed little by little, here a little there a little, line upon line, precept upon precept. In other words it starts in the heart and is transformed by the Spirit and finally into that final nature resembling..............Christ, one that can be raised up into glory, because Sin is no longer remembered by God.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Did you Watch carefully?

    Last night I tuned in for the first time this year the republican dabates because I wanted to see for myself what people are going after.  I wanted to see "The Donald" and why he is the front runner of the party he is now representing.   I watched for about 1 and a half hours and listened to the increasingly escalated tone of each one of gthe candidates as they talked in words of war,,,and defending this country against ISIS.   NOT one of them mentioned sending into harms way young men and now women into zones of terror.  It is because we do not want to think that way.  We Americans have been brought up in a culture of "win" and mindset of our independance ever since breaking free from the British rule of a King.  We want to win but do not relish the consequences Vietnam still lingers in my memory.  Far removed from our soil, men died for a cause they were taught to believe in and many were disillusioned upon return to this country.   What is Trump tapping into? and why are people listening to a blasphemous mouth of a man who makes faces and frowns while intelligent men (Bush) share this stage with him and seemingly lose favor to a man like this?  I almost could see the contempt in Bush's face towards Mr. Trump>

     Lest we forget the cost,  we are being drawn into a religious war from Zealots and Jihadists who do not think like we do.  Hiding  behind the Koran and a huge " veil of Religion" they wage a war of destructive force that is insidious.  Recruiting those who either must be dead inside themselves and who do not fear death as we do or they are so deceived that they are totally blind. Their hatred of all things "West is apparent.  Their conscience is seared.  Far removed from  a mentality of being judged for their actions from one who is mightier than they are and one who can eternally throw them into a deeper hell that they bring upon others.  And they will go there, trust me.,,,
    We think that what we see is all there is.  But that is not the case.  Spiritual strongholds and "Princes of geography" stragically hold places in their grip to cause turmoil.  I reference the book of Daniel and his fight to loose the strangle hold that his "Present King"  had upon him and his people because they would not bow down.   In his fast that lasted 21 days, Spiritual  battles raged in the heavenlies. MIchael was prevented from helping Daniel because of the "Prince of Persia." that detained him.  What is that? Or who?  We can only surmise because we cannot see that realm.
   If in fact there is Good and Evil then there are generals and soldiers that lead in that fight even in the heavenlies.  This world and history is replete with stories of Gods and Goddesses  and mythological creatures that exist in another realm.  Is there any truth to it? I think that there is.  But not as we see it.  It remains a mystery for now.
    But my point is,,, we are going to elect someone who has to deal with this present reality "AS IT IS" not how we want it to be.  I never in my dreams was afraid to go to a movie theatre when I was young.  I was a place to be lost in and to escape into a world where everyday things were put out of the mind at least for about 2 hours.  So I wll continue to tune in and be a part of the silent conversation until action is necessary on my part..................Someone please Trump.........Trump!2000px-Joker_black_02.svg.png (2000×2900)

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Ordinary:       Being part of the natural order of things; normalcustomaryroutine

That is what is the temptation of every day is to me.   Why?  Because I was changed some thirty years ago.........Christ was anything but normal, customary, or routine.   Every day walking with him must have been a continual eye-opener!  Yet there were so many who did not see. So many that were offended by his very life!

      So I was not offended when approached by his presence,  I was afraid!  I knew at that moment in time there was an intersection here on earth  of something I did not understand with my mind but my Spirit comprehended it right away.  And so the journey began.  Along the way it was certainly a twisty road and one I could not have possibly imagined.  Trying to understand the heavenly while being earthly and ordinary takes some doing, but Jesus made it easy when he said " take my yoke...for my burden is light."   

     What that has meant though was to die daily as Paul found out and not to succumb to the thinking anymore of the ordinary or routine or customary way of life I had known before else, why seek?  To seek is to want to find, explore, and know.  So now some days are routine with jobs, kids, shopping and all of the other things that we do on a daily basis to fill up our days here on Earth.   But the temptation for me is to forget that an incredible power resides within me waiting for the day when   BAM!   In the twinkling ( sounds benign and harmless!)  of an eye I will be changed.  But now I live daily also with the knowledge that I am different, I do know things, that are inconceiveable and are unquestionably true.  So like Jesus when he was 12 years old defending his need to be in "his father's house." to his mom and dad! (what did they think of him at that moment!)  Ordinary? I don't think so.  So too I must be in my father's house daily not thinking anymore that I am just ordinary and this is not arrogance on my part , but a necessary frame of mind because I (we)  have things to do,  

                                       " If you love me...keep my commands.  Love one another as I have loved you.  Pray without ceasing, Give and it will be given unto you,  pressed down and overflowing....
  Do I believe this as I am scrubbing floors, serving, seniors citizens, taking care of family, and shopping again and again and again............yes I do!   though ordinary events in life must take place................I am no longer ordinary!   I am counter culture................counterculture-movement-3-728.jpg (728×546)

Monday, December 7, 2015

Oh! What a party!

One ton of grapes produces around 150-180 gallons of wine which makes 62-75 cases.
In barrel format,  we get 6-10.5 barrels of wine per acre.
Each barrel holds 60 gallons of wine.
The barrel makes 25 cases of wine.
A case of wine is 2.4 gallons of wine and I’m sure you’ve all noticed that a standard bottle of wine is 750 ml.
Breaking all of that down, it takes 2.2 to 2.6 pounds of grapes to create one bottle of wine.
IfOne ton of grapes produces around 150-180 gallons of wine which makes 62-75 cases.
In barrel format,  we get 6-10.5 barrels of wine per acre.
Each barrel holds 60 gallons of wine.
The barrel makes 25 cases of wine.
A case of wine is 2.4 gallons of wine and I’m sure you’ve all noticed that a standard bottle of wine is 750 ml.
Breaking all of that down, it takes 2.2 to 2.6 pounds of grapes to create one bottle of wine

“They have no more wine.”

Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons.[b]

Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim.

Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.”

     Oh what a party!  Think Jesus was a party pooper?  Just look at his heart towards his mother's request!  According to the figures above Jesus brought to the party 75 cases of wine!  Now I know the emphasis is not on that in the scriptures, but it is thought provoking!  When's the last time you went to a party when the host purchased 75 cases of wine for you?  

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Thursday, December 3, 2015

Moving through time and space, How is it possible?

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     God's word}     It moves through our time and space.  It defy's our physics as we know it and it defy's our thinking.  It also reverses so it seems the law of entropy( "or lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.")   How is this possible in a world that we know in science as predictable?  In other words, that which we can reproduce with accuracy time and again with the same results.
     I remember reproducing results while sitting in chemistry class way back when when I was young experiments with outcomes with  expected results. I remember heats of reaction where elements were transfomed say into ashes or compounds and calculating moles and weights of atoms to balance equations proving that matter can be neither created nor destroyed.  Attributed to Lavoisier, only ......re-arramged.
     So it begs the question of miracles, resurrection, water into wine, disease healed, and a word of a God that travels through time to accomplish his will.  How?  I don't know....yet.
     But I know without a doubt that it happens, and every day.  That which breaks into our world the natural is supernatural or of another source.  It is said that God is Spirit.  NO body, form or tangibility to perceive.  
Christians take in faith and with senses "exercised with use" Paul said...our belief in Jesus as one who defied natural physical laws empowered by one who could perform these things.   Christians also believe in infalibility of a God who does this.  So, if Daniel in the year 600 B..C. believed in his God the spectacular visions he received of future events and also our future events, we can see now with eyes looking backwards the things he saw as future.  
   So it is possible for me to have faith when before Jesus was handed over to Pilate, he prayed one of the most marvelous prayers ever spoken in John chap. 17.  He prayed not for "those in the world"but for those who would believe in "ME"Jesus the Son. and for those who would also believe and spread the word as Gospel for all those in the future!    
    So now it is possible for me to believe that God re-arranged molecular, biological and atomic particles somehow to not only restore Lazarus to life but to believe that God raised Jesus from the dead as well in a Glorified body that was possible for him to not be recognized, walk through doors and eventually raise up into a heavenly place he said in that place he would prepare for his followers.  

       NOW WHAT IS THAT PLACE?  And what are we going to do in it?  Again I don't know...but I do know this, too....Pentecost happened as it says in Acts, the Spirit was given, and Tongues was a sign not for believers but for unbelievers. And it is disdained and mocked by many as nonsense....and not necessary.  There is a song that speaks to this...with verse as follows: 
      If that same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwell in you, dwell in you, it shall quicken your mortal body, if that Spirit dwell in you."music-notes-on-staff-clipart-dT6XGz8T9.jpeg (2236×1006)

                               Have you received the Spirit since you have believed?  Paul asked the same question to  believers in his day!   

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Why must we believe at all? HIstorically speaking....

 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
     It's a set up! It's all been pre planned from the beginning and there's nothing you can do tho change that!  The scripture referenced above is from the book of John.  Jesus was the Word from the beginning and was with God and became flesh for our sakes.  In other words......history speaks to us today, is written down for  us and is demonstrated through the Holy Spirit given after Jesus was risen!   Now do you have to believe that?  Absolutely not.  There's nothing compelling you to unless you come to the decision that it is true.  
     C.S. Lewis gave some thought to this in his time and had written on the subject in his "Mere Christianity'.
Tongue in cheek title as it is....It is anything but MERE.    Christianity gave rise to "many sons and daughters.  NOw you aks who? And what?   If as we believe that Jesus was the Son of the Almighty, then what was given birth to?  
The answer to that is what Lewis surmised......Man begets man.........God begets....well .......God like....beings..us!  In other words as Paul gave witness also too, what is sown in weakness and flesh of the body  we were given, after the new life enters from God is changed (into exactly what remains a mystery) but know for sure that we will be 

                                                             like him...Jesus.  so that is an awesome thing to think about!   kernelofwheat.png (311×269)

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Choose Life

     Today was a sad day in our community.  It seems a mentally unstable man took 4 lives indiscriminently during a 5 hour seige downtown.  One police officer was  killed along with 3 towns people.  After recovering somewhat after the Paris shooting I have to all over again ask what's going on in our world?  Of course I already know the answer.  Sickness in the heart and sin that causes it is escalating.  Satan that  old liar and thief from the beginning as Jesus said is on a shortened leash and his time grows shorter every day.  Thanks be to God!  So while I am alarmed at the loss of life of innocents both here and abroad, I am confident in the  Lord that all will unfold according to the Holy Scriptures  fortelling of events like these, of love waxing cold.
     Now more than ever we need to see repentence working in men and women of all ages and children also.  It is impossible to draw near to God without it. For he is a Holy God and requires something from us, a step forward and a turning away from our sin.  Simply said sin is missing the mark or "high-bar" he set for us inorder for us to enter into his kingdom.  Baptism ofcourse is the next step in faith and an outward sign to all those believers who welcome  new-believers into the faith.  It is saying to God...I welcome you into my heart knowing full well that I cannot control all of the things in my life that cause you grief and so I turn towards you and welcome also the Holy Spirit, that burst of life that made it possible for Christ to rise from death.  We will do the same.  It is important for Christians to focus on this because it is  like no other belief in the world.  It has power.
     In the Old Testament a picture of Holiness can be seen in those who carried the Ark of God.  Only the Levites were able to do this and only if they were consecrated to God.  And they had to obey strictly by putting poles thru rings and not touching the Ark or risk death.  Those who touched the Ark without consecrating themselves died.  The Philistines suffered boils and sickness while the Ark was stolen by them and rested in their camp!
      So Their undoubtably will  be a separation in the end of the sheep and goats those who chose well...and those who chose wrong!

                                You chose well!    Indianna Jones
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Thursday, November 26, 2015

If we have all but this: Love, then we have nothing

13 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing. 
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
 Have you ever been in a Church that is rich in the Spiritual giftings, rich in knowledge, faith and yet somehow misses the biggie?  According  to Paul and his insights on love, we would benefit greatly if we paid attention to this one very profound scripture highlighted above.  A Church that boasts in such blessings as giftings given by the Spirit and has great knowledge and great faith and has one vision only will suffer if it does not have love within it's members.  That Church can grow cold, narrow minded, and enter into the very thing Christians ought not to...self righteousness, and seeking only those "giftings" that are supernatural and God-given can in and of itself be a trap.  I say this with the utmost caution because I have seen it and have been involved in that very thing.  It never started out to be that way but it eventually digressed into a very "lawful church" that in the beginning stressed Spirit that gives life over law that brings death.  How did this happen?  When as a group of 20 and thirty somethings we had in the beginning such newfound freedoms  free from the trappings of traditions (normally associated with "mainline" Church)  and a sense of the "realness of God" in our midst and the gifting of the Holy Spirit as well that added so much to the Christian walk and the building up of the Saints.  Over time this sense of being closer to God because of his presence and giftings this Church  was infused with something that was very subtle and insidious.  It began to form a Church that would not, could not,  and never would build with others. Period.  What had started out as revelatory and inspiring and community based scripture based, turned instead into a somehwhat paranoid group of people, with a government of Church heirarchy that was pyramidal and upside down.  In other words the group supported at all costs the leader and his vision. What had happened in this Church was scary.  Love was lost and the ministry that upheld a particular vision was walling off all other valid ministries available both within and without.   
                            Love keeps no record of wrongs.......... 

     When love is perfected and comes from the one who commanded "that we love one another" as I have loved you, then rest assured that a healthy Church will prevail.  The one whom Jesus loved...John bears testimony to this.
     Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates a brother or sister[b] is still in the darkness. 10 Anyone who loves their brother and sister[c] lives in the light,and there is nothing in them to make them stumble.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

A Simple Matter of Recognition:

     " For we cannot do anything against the truth (Insert Jesus), but only for the truth. (Insert Jesus)
So these are the words of Paul in his second letter to those unruly Corinthians to exhort them to proper living.  Paul at length defends his minisrty of Apostleship because of those "super apostles" who must have been going about preaching a different gospel than the one they received from Paul and Titus and "other brothers Paul had sent to encourage then in their faith.  While they did indeed receive the true gospel they were at risk because they had slipped in their understanding ot the basics of the Gospel.  From sexual impurity, to court cases, and tolerating those who took unfair advantage of them, they now were at doubts with Paul.  Because they said., "he is strong in his letters to us" while away but weak and unimpressive here, they were to say in our language "dissing him."  Paul had previous to this letter, had made sincere writing on his love in chapter (13) 1st Cor. on what the crux of his Gospel really was.  It was not in boasting, it was not in spiritual giftings, or of prophecies or of being something he was not.  So in defense he boasted "as a fool" in his heritage, his giftings, and his beatings and of sufferings to shame them into sobriety.  He wanted them to know of the depth of the suffering was for their sakes.  And of the furtherance of the Gospel.  So we who are  the "off spring of centuries of faith" must not  be in the place of doing something or representing that  which is against the truth (Jesus). To be sure there are traditions followed by men incorporated in Churches, doctrines that need not be there that cause division  and even spiritual death to those who are not wise enough to recognize them.  They are indeed subtle.
     The people that were involved in the "Word of LIfe Church" (NY State) beating of a teenager to death, how could they do that?!!! To their own child?  How could the devil so easily influence such a state of mind as to deceive them into this horrendous state?
    I will tell you.  It came cloaked in darkness, masquerading as "light."   The Devil presented a topic of "witchcraft" which is an abomination to God as written in the Old Testament, and so those who took a "righteous" stand with God thought they were doing the work of God!!!%%%##$$...
     Mercy it is written triumphs over judgement.   If it were not the heart of God we would not be saved and Christ would not have risen from the dead to be our savior and our sins woul never have been forgiven.  As  one who has received tremendous forgivness from Christ I was also in the midst of a fellowship  for many many years that was lacking in a certain kind of forgiveness and love.  Yes there was an outpouring of the Spirit and of salvation to those who repented but, and I say BUT, there in the midst of it was subtle determination to draw lines of distinction between "Us and Them" or the world or any other Church that did not meet certain standards and consequently there was a judgement in the house of God,( pronounced by men) "Not God" So it was in the case of that Word of LIfe Church.   Harsh judgement, leading to death lacking  in mercy and love.  A simple recognition..........a warning to those who follow but do not see.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A Design For Death: The cares of this world!

    How can we live and be free, if we are weighted down by the cares of this world?  Debt from a broken down 20 year old car?  Rent that is due?  Medical bills  that are ancient and won't go away? Recurring "things that just happen" that further increase worry?  This is all designed to discourage, depress, and distract you....A Christian that has been set free by the precious purchase of your life in Christ.  So...how do we rate more than a sparrow? That falls to the earth?  Does God really care?  And if so why does the Christian suffer these things?  ( Or some do) I do not know about those who embrace the prosperity doctrines.
      The world  and everything in it ( especially Capitalism) is a design for death for us who live marginally trying to succeed in a world designed for material wealth.   So many homeless on the corners?  We probably made them.  Even though we might deny it. Saying quietly to ourselves, " Why can't you get a job?"  Consider their life, do you really know it?  NO we don't. And so I among probably many do suffer along with questions  about all of these things.  Paul certainly had reason to worry more didn't he?  Faced with death threats and stonings, and beatings all for what?  Preaching?  Words?  But they were not harmless little words were they?  They were the power of God, to show all those who were not part of a kingdom what God was really like.  And so we suffer yet knowing that we are truly set free when the Son does it and we know with a certain knowledge that there has been a power imparted to us greater than that which is in the world.  Still we can be distracted to despair just as if we knew nothing at all! Tha'ts right, and we must resist that type of thinking and it is hard, because we live in a world of requirements,natural ones that take a toll and require a price...Don't pay it with your head hanging low...rejoice in the Lord, again I say rejoice in the Lord....it is our life!  This world, look at it....it is passing away right before your eyes...wars, famine, hatreds, separation because of race issues, military incursions that won't go away and dis-ease with sickness prevalent and no way to receive proper attention emptiness in a world full "things to make us happy."

      So today do as I do, resist the pressure to cave in and despair.  God is greater, and knows what you are feeling.  " We have this treasure in earthen vessels!"  So if a man rages at you because you owe him (Paper with ink  on it.) MONEY... take heed of that attack and know that God cares more about you than that particular issue, even though it screams louder at that moment!      But I do not advocate complacency, we still must take care of our lives and do the best we can even though it is sometimes beyond our means to do  so on a timetable the world and men set for us.latest (2280×2802)

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Simple pleasures:

Walking through the streets

Seeing and feeling simple pleasures

The fall breeze, it's crispness against the skin

Neighbors, unknowingly being seen as I walk silently by, going about their lives, casual, easy

Quiet streets, dusk arives

My dog and I enjoying private times

Time for dinner, we walk home.9825141.jpg (619×404)

Saturday, October 10, 2015

We Cry "Abba" Father

      I cry Abba Father because I inow without a doubt that he is truly mine.  Paul explains to the early Church of Corinthians that we (those who believe) have the mind of Christ.  In other words, we no longer think as we formerly did.  In all things Christ emulated his Father as one who " is greater than I."  Never taking the approach that he was above the one who sent him on his earthly mission.  But, as a Son had all the the rights accorded to him as an heir of his Father's kingdom.  That included power in the Spirit. Resurrection power.....
     So in these days in which I live I find  a split within myself having to  be in the world but not of it and living as one who will inherit just a Jesus did, an eternal kingdom devoid of all of the nasty things here on this little blue planet.  What are these nasty things?  Murder, malice, hate, jealousy, bickering,  backbiting, untrustworthy people and betrayers.  Have you experienced any of things today? Or are you dull and outside of caring that these things exist and need not to and we can be changed. "In the twinkling of an eye!"
     Have your friends deserted you? Your own family also?  Do you sigh everyday while watching and reading the despairing news?  Take heart then that there is an escape, and a renewing that can be had and obtained.   It is thru Jesus and him alone and the knowledge that he suffered for all of those things I mentioned above and he experienced every single one of them and was relentlessly attacked for what? His goodness?  Miracles?  Feeding people?  Teaching another way to ive?  The list goes on and on.  He did not deserve his punishment, but God made it so we could all be different, inherit life and eternity whthout the evil we are surrounded with every day of our lives.....there is another way, the truth, anf the life!
                                             As Jean-Luc- Picard always said:   MAKE IT SO!977055-f08ca932-99f0-11e3-9a97-2ed07c1403ff.jpg (650×366)

Friday, September 18, 2015


     I just want to live a simple life
to praise God in a chaotic world
How do I praise God when it's so hard to find/
Peace of mind among those so blind
Every day it's a race/ the world's pace such a rat race
Moving along life's crooked road
My mind is straight /my vision clear
From the one who gives sight to the blind
and a renewed spirit to those who find
A precious gem in a field so dark
Light my way forever/  never dark